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Writer's pictureJatin Madaan

Spark Structured API Overview

Structured API are of 3 types :

1 : DataSets.

2 : DataFrames.

3 : SQL table and views .

  • DataSets and DataFrames (df) are distributed table-like collections with well-defined rows and columns .Each column must have same number of rows as all the other columns (although null can be used to specify absence of a value ) , also each column type must be consistent for every row in the collection .

  • To Spark df and datasets represents immutable , lazily evaluated plans that specify what operations to apply to data residing at a location to generate some output .Action on df is when actual transformations are performed and results returned .

  • Schema - A schema defines the column names and types of a df . We can define schema manually (in production this is used as we must be sure what data to process) or read a schema from a data source (generally from first few rows ) , this is also called as schema on read.

  • Spark is effectively a programming language of it's own. Internally spark uses and engine called catalyst that maintains its own type information through the planning and processing of work . This opens up a wide variety of execution optimisations.

  • Spark types map directly to different languages API's that spark maintain & their exists a lookup table for each of these in Scala , Java , Python, SQL and R . Even if we use spark's structured API from python the majority of manipulations will operate strictly on spark types and not python types.

eg : below does not perform addition in python , it is actually performing addition purely in spark .

df = spark.range(500).toDF("number")["number"]'+10)

  • In above addition operations in spark , it will convert and expression written in input language to spark's internal catalyst representation of same type information and then will operate on that internal representation .

  • DataFrame : To spark (in Scala) df are simply datasets of TypeRow. This "Row" type is spark's internal representation of it's optimised in-memory format for computation . So using df (PySpark) means taking advantage of spark's optimised internal format.

  • Columns and Row Types : Spark column types are like columns fo table , they can be integer , string , complex - array , map , null values etc. Records of data is a row . Each record in a df must be of type Row().

  • Declaring a column to be of certain type

eg :

from pyspark.sql.types import *

b = ByteType()

  • All spark types are converted at run-time . eg : FloatType(), ArrayType() etc .

Structured API Execution

Execution steps :

1 . Write DataFrame/DataSet/SQL code.

2 . If valid code , spark will convert it to a Logical Plan.

3 . Spark transforms this Logical Plan to a Physical Plan (Checks for optimisation along the way).

4 . Spark then executes this Physical Plan (RDD manipulations ) on the cluster.

Logical Planning

  • It is first phase of execution and it meant to take user code and convert it into logical plan .

Physical Planning (Spark Plan)

  • It specifies how logical plan will execute on cluster by generating different physical execution strategies and comparing (choosing how to perform join by looking at physical attributes of a given table , partitions etc ) .

  • Physical planning results in series of RDD and transformations , this is why sometimes spark is referred as complier as it takes queries in df, datasets & SQL and compiles them into RDD transformations.


  • Upon selecting a physical plan , Spark runs the code over RDD's .

  • Spark performs further optimisation at runtime, Generating native Java byte code that removes entire task or stage during execution.

  • Results are then returned to user in a file or on CLI .

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