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Python Introduction

Writer's picture: Jatin MadaanJatin Madaan

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

Python is an interpreted , object-oriented , high-level programming language with dynamic semantics . It supports module and packages , which encourages program modularity and code re-use.

In python there is no compilation step so the edit-> test -> debug cycle is incredibly fast .

Topics in introduction :

1 : Keywords and Identifiers .

2 : Comments and Indentation .

3: Variables and Data Types.

4 : Standard Input and Output .

5 : Operators .

6 : If -else , while loop , for-loop , break and Continue.

1 : Keywords and Identifiers

Keywords are reserved words in Python , we cannot use them as variable name , function name or any other identifier .

eg :

Identifiers - It is the name given to entities like class, function , variable etc , it helps in differentiating one entity from another.

  • They can start with (a-z)(A-z)(_ underscore).

  • Cannot Start with a digit .

  • Cannot be a keyword.

  • No Special Characters allowed.

eg :

2 : Comments and Indentation

Comments : They start with # or triple quotes (''' or """) .

DocString (documentation string)

It is a string that occurs as first statement in a module, function , class or method definition .

eg :

To access or see for any function use

>>> print ([function_name].__doc__) ## doc string would be displayed in case it was given during function creation .

Indentation :

Python uses indentation to define a block of code.

Generally 4 spaces is preferred but it can be 8 or more though it should be consistent throughout that block .

eg :

Range Function starts from 0 upto digit (not including last one ie 10) .

Indentation can be ignored in line continuation , but it's a good coding practise to ident always.

eg :

Python Statements : Instructions that a python interpreter can execute are called statements.

eg :

>>> a=1 #single statement

>>> a = 1+2+3+\


7+8 # Multi-line statements.

>>> a=(1+2+3+



>> a=10;b=20;c=30

3 : Variables and Data Types


  • A Variable is a location of memory used to store some data (value).

  • Rules of Variables names are similar to identifiers .

  • We don't need to declare a variable before using it.

  • We don't declare type of variable , it is handled internally according to type of value we assign to a variable.

eg :

>>> a=10 #int

>>> b=5.5 ## float

>>> c="ABC"

>>> a,b,c=10,5.5,"ABC" ## Multiple assignments is possible in python .

>>> a=b=c="ABC" ## Assigning same value to multiple variables at once can also be done easily .

Storage Location of variables :

both the variables (x and y ) point to same location since both have same value , to efficiently manage memory this is used.

DATA TYPES : Every Value in Python has a datatype .Since everything is an object in python programming , data types are actually classes and variables are instance (object) of these classes.

1 :Numbers

  • Numbers are of 3 types ie int, float ,complex

  • use type() to know which class a variable belongs .

  • eg :

2 : Boolean

Represents truth value False and True .

eg :

Make sure to use correct syntax ie True and not true or some other declaration .

3: Strings

  • String is a sequence of unicode characters in Python .

  • We can use single quotes and double quotes for string . Multi line strings can be represented by tripe quotes (single quotes - ''' and double quotes """.

  • Strings can be indexed and sliced.

eg :

4: Lists

  • Lists are ordered sequence of items.

  • All items need not be of same type.

  • Declared by [] , items separated by , (comma).

  • Lists are mutable - ie can be altered (elements can be changed/updated).

eg :

5: Tuple

  • Tuples are ordered sequence of items like list.

  • They are immutable ie cannot be altered .

  • Declared by () , items separated by , (comma).

eg :

5: Set

  • It is unordered collection of unique items.

  • Declared by {} , items separated by comma.

  • Items in set are not ordered so they cannot be indexed (print(s[1]) ## this cannot be done).

  • set always have unique value and we can perform - union, intersection etc eg:

6: Dictionaries

  • They are unordered collection of Key_value pairs.

  • Cannot be indexed .

  • Key-Values are defines in {} , values separated by : and items by , (comma).

  • key and value can be of any data type.


Conversion of Data Types :

--> We can combine strings using '+' operator (only strings and not int ) .

4 : Standard Input and Output

Use print() function to output data to standard output device .

There are many ways through which we can display/use using - + operator, format function, keyword etc .

eg :

5 : Operators

2 + 3 --> + is operator and 2,3 are operands .

Types of operators :

1 Arithmetic : + , - , * , /,% ,// ,**

2 Comparison : >,<,==,!=,>=,<=

- They return either True or False .

3 Logical : and , or ,not

- They return either True or False as an output .

4 Bit-Wise : &,|,~,^,>>,<<

- They act on operands as if they were string of binary digits . It operates bit by bit.

5 Assignment : =,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,//=,**=,&=,!=,^=,>=,<<=

6 Identity : is , is not

- Returns True or False

- They are use to check if two values (or variables) are located on same part of memory or not .

eg :

7 Membership : in , not in

- Used to test whether a value or variable is found in a sequence ( string, list, tuple, set and dictionary )

eg :

6 : IF-Else and Loops

If-else :

- Python Interprets non-zero as True , None and 0 as False.

eg :

While Loop :

- Loop runs until value becomes false .

- Else in while is evaluated only if condition of while loop evaluates to false .

- While loop can be terminated with a break .

- If there is a break then it does not go into else part .

eg :

For Loop :

- Loop in Python is used to iterate over a sequence (list, tuple, string) or other iterable objects.

- Loop continues until we reach the last item in the sequence.

- Else part in for loop is executed if the items in the sequence used in for loop exhausts .

- Break statement can be used to stop a for loop and else is also not evaluated.

eg :

Range () Function :

- We can generate a sequence of numbers using range() .

eg : range(10) # it would generate numbers 0 to 9 ie 10 numbers .

- We can also define (start,stop,step_size) in range function # default step size is 1.

- Range function does not store all values in memory just remembers start, stop and step size & generates numbers on the go.

eg :

7 : Break and Continue

Both are used to alter the flow of a normal loop .

Break :

In a for loop , in case there is an if condition and then break , so tit comes out of loop.

eg :

Continue :

- Generally 80% of time is spend in loops .

- Continue takes the flow back to starting of loop without evaluating below code in loop.


This is a basic introduction to Python ,Hope it helps !

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