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Writer's pictureJatin Madaan

Python Functions

  • Function is a group of related statements that perform a specific task.

  • Functions help break the program into smaller and modular chunks.

  • Functions avoids repetition and makes code more readable and easy to debug.

  • def is the keyword used to define a function .

  • Once defined , a function can be called from anywhere in program .

  • Return statement

- Used to exit a function and go back to the place where it was called.

- It can contain an expression which gets evaluated and value is returned.

- If no expression in statement then function returns None object .

  • Scope and Lifetime of variables :

- Variable defined inside a function is not visible from outside.

- Lifetime of a variable inside a function is as long as the function executes.

- Variables are destroyed once we return from the function.

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Types of Functions :

1 : Built-In .

2 : User Defined.

1 Built-In :

a : abs() - finds absolute value ie -ve to +ve and +ve to +ve only .

b : all () -

Returns True : If all elements in an iterable (any data structure on which we can iterate over a loop).

False : If any element in iterable is false.

c : dir()

- Tries to return a list of valid attributes of object.

- If object does not have dir() method, this method then tries to find information from dict attribute (if defined) and from type object.

eg :

d: divmod()

- Takes 2 numbers and returns a pair of number (a tuple) consisting of their quotient and remainder .

e : enumerate()

- Adds counter to an iterable and returns it .

- Syntax : enumerate(iterable , start=0)

- enumerate in english means to list.

f : isinstance()

- It checks if the object (first argument) is an instance/sub-class of classinfo

class (second argument ) .

- Syntax : isinstance(object , classinfo )

eg :

g : filter ()

- Parameters are function and iterable list .

- It constructs an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true.

- Syntax : filter(function,iterable()).

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h : map()

- Map applies a function to all items in an inout list .

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i : reduce ()

- It is for performing same computation on a list and returning the result.

- It applies a rolling computation to sequential pairs of values in a list.

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2 User-Defined :

- If we define ourself function to do certain tasks then those are user-defined.

- If we use function written by others in form of library , it can be termed as library functions .

- Helps in decomposing large program into small segments , which makes it easier to understand and debug.

- No repetition of code.

- Devision of workload of programmers.

Function Arguments :

- Arguments are variables/values passed in function .

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1 - Default Arguments :

- We can pass default value to an argument using (=) operator .

- Once we have default argument then all the arguments to right of it must be default only else error would be displayed.


2 - Keyword Arguments :

- kwargs allows to pass key-worded variable length of arguments to a function .

- use **kwargs if required to handle named arguments in a function .

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3 - Arbitrary Arguments :

- In case we don't know in advance the number of arguments that will be passed into a function then we use arbitrary arguments.


Recursive Functions :

  • When a function calls itself , it is called as recursive function .

  • Mostly used in mathematical formulas and data structures.

  • It makes code look clean and elegant.

  • Sequence generation is easier with recursion than using nested iterations.

  • Sometimes logic is hard to follow.

  • Recursive calls are expensive (inefficient) as they take up a lot of memory and time.

  • Recursive functions are somewhat hard to debug .


Anonymous/Lambda Functions :

  • Anonymous function is a function that is defined without a name .

  • They are defined using lambda keyword , other functions are defined by def keyword.

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  • Module refers to a file containing python statements and definitions .

  • A file containing python code eg : is called a module and its module name is abc.

  • We use module to break down large programs into small manageable and organised files. Also provides reusability of code.

  • We can define our most used functions in a module and import it , instead of copying their definition into different programs .

  • We can also import specific names/functions from a module without importing entire module and all functions.

  • We use dir() to get find out names that are defined inside a module.


Packages :

  • Packages are way of structuring python's module namespace by using "dotted module names "

  • A directory must contain a file name in order for python to consider it as a package . It can be empty or we can place initialisation code .

  • All package or sub-package must contain file .

  • Packages are folders for python to consider any folder as a package it must have file .

eg :

  • Here game is a package , image , level and sound are sub-packages .

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